Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mauritius Food -1

So after the scenery, weather, and people my favorite thing about Mauritius is the food. There is a lot of good stuff available and most of it is very inexpensive.

Exhibit A:
In everytown you will find small stands selling small, fresh pineapples. The locals eat these pineapples with a red chili sauce and tamarind sauce. These cost about $0.33.

Exhibit B:
Briani (sp?) is a Muslim dish made with rice, a protein of your choice (chicken, fish, or beef), and all sorts of spices. I, and 3 of my coworkers, went to the local briani house for lunch this week. For 4 huge dishes of briani and drinks for the table the bill was about $11.50.

More to come on this front...

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