Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Trip to the Grocery Store

Just got back from a trip to King Savers, the grocery store that is about a 5 minute walk from my hotel. Not a very eventful trip but since I forgot to ask for a bag to carry my stuff back in I had to carry it all by hand.

I just picked up the essentials, you know beer (5 different types of Mauritian brewed beer including Blue Marlin, Phoenix, Phoenix Fresh - Orange, Phoenix Fresh - Lemon, and Stella), candy, ice cream, and of course garlic, catcus and gergir scented shampoo (it smells better than it sounds even though I have no idea what gergir is).


  1. pat - you are slacking on the blog updates and photos. i know the internet is slow there however, so i will forgive you. what i will not forgive however, is a high-class country having a slow internet. you should bring that up to the local government.
