Friday, July 2, 2010

New Roommate!

Seems like I have a new roommate here in Mauritius. His name is Louis and he is a gecko that I've spotted several times since moving into my hotel in Mauritius.

I'm pretty sure Louis and I are the third best roommate combination of all time behind the top 2 roommate combinations of all time:
  1. my wife and me
  2. me and my undergrad roommate, Brian

Before you try to argue this point ask yourself whether any roommate you know of ever ate bugs in your apartment to that you didn't have to get rid of them yourself. No? Didn't think so.

Me and Louis: #3


  1. Actually, we did have a roommate that eat bugs in N69...bandages? And there was another, human roommate, that if dared enough probably would have eaten the bugs in some sort of contest.

  2. Jim N. - Very true! Also... are you referring to Edge or Brian?

    Tracy - You're just mad bc you lost out to a reptile.

  3. hahaha.. PAT! So excellent hearing from you! Thanks for the coffee/design link..hit the nail on the head---love it.
    btw, browsed through some photos of Maritius.. looks like a grand ole time! I can't believe the summer is coming to an end I haven't step foot on the shore (so tragic).
    And finally, love the beginning of you blogging.. and advancing so soon to your own domain--I'm behind! If you get bored (unlikely) over there, you can check out an amateur blog at

    And again...(time flew this summer) Congrats to you and Caitlin! my friends live right down the road from you, so we should make it a point to hang out.

    See you soon,

  4. jessica -

    Glad you liked the link. I've been following your blog via google reader since I saw it posted in one of your gchat away messages. good stuff.

    we'll def hang out come September.

    BTW, I remember you saying that you were thinking about reading death and life of great american cities in the beginning of the summer. did you ever get around to it? if so, i'd be curious to hear what you thought of it.

    see you soon.

  5. i would have eaten a bug for you, pat. even if it had bitten tracy first.

  6. thanks frugis. my blood is sweet as hell though.
